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C2 Imaging

5 Ways to Refresh your Office or Retail Space

As you may have noticed, many consumer facing brands have reimagined or transformed their brick-and-mortar spaces during the pandemic. Think..

Apr 19, 2022 |

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Why You Shouldn’t Underestimate Banner Stands as a Sales Tool

Why You Shouldn’t Underestimate Banner Stands as a Sales Tool Banner stands are a standard piece of marketing nowadays, but how do they work..

Mar 22, 2022 |

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Ideas to Help Recruiting Efforts

Recruiting has never felt as difficult as it does now. But don’t feel defeated, we’re sharing some ideas to help your recruiting efforts. From..

Mar 14, 2022 |

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Top 5 Reasons Floor Graphics Have More Benefits Than You Think

Look down! Floors are an oft-forgotten space that can be used for marketing and advertising to make a big impact. But it’s more than that—they..

Feb 21, 2022 |

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Make a Bigger Impact with Direct Mail Marketing

We may live in a digital world but that doesn’t mean you don’t need printed ads! Digital ads are everywhere and can be quite effective,..

Jan 25, 2022 |

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